About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Revista Verde), with a scope focused on research in Agroecology and/or Sustainable Rural Development in the area Multidisciplinary in Agricultural Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Food Sciences, Environmental Education, Biodiversity and Zootechnics.
Its mission is to promote full and free scientific dissemination of research results in Agroecology and/or Sustainable Rural Development
Peer Review Process
The Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável adopts the practice of "evaluation by ad hoc reviews", with each article being submitted to at least three reviewers. These will have a period of four (4) weeks to issue the opinions, with the possibility of extension for another (1) week.
The appointment of evaluators is made by the editors of the journal among doctors in the area, following the criterion of thematic affinities, observed from the records of research and other experiences in their curriculum.
First Stage: Basic Assessment
The editor or editorial assistant verifies that the manuscript received fits the focus and scope of the journal. Manuscripts outside the scope of the journal will be rejected.
Second Step: Similarity Check
All works are evaluated for plagiarism. Uses software to similarity check to previously published documents. All manuscripts containing plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, will be rejected.
Third Stage: Review by opinions
We use the practice of "appraisal by ad hoc review", each item submitted will be sent for three appraisers. The identities of reviewers and authors will be anonymous. In some cases, according to the recommendations of reviewers, a second round of peer review may be initiated.
Fourth Step: Acceptance/Rejection Decision
The decision is based on the opinion provided by the reviewers. To be accepted for publication, the manuscript must receive a positive recommendation (accepted) from at least two reviewers.
The Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável appears quarterly. It publishes one volume per year, with four issues: the first is published between the months of January and March, the second between April and June, the third between July and September, and the fourth between October and December. When publishing an issue, Revista Verde notifies all registered users, through e-mail.
There is the possibility of publishing a special issue per year. This number can be in partnership with national and international events to publicize manuscritos awarded at these events.
Open Access Policy
This journal offers immediate open access to its content, following principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.
This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed filing system across libraries and allows you to create permanent journal archives for preservation and restoration. Know more...
Publication and Maintenance of System
The Grupo Verde de Agroecologia e Abelhas is an NGO that works in the dissemination of scientific manuscripts in several areas of knowledge and carries out research and extension with small rural producers in the hinterland of Brazil.
To maintain the scientific publication system, we need resources. To meet the costs of technical support, layout, publication and indexing, we request a donation of 300.00 R$ (three hundred Brazilian reais) after approval of the manuscript.
We do not want to make collaboration an impediment to publication, if the authors or the institution are unable to contribute, authors can inform about the conditions by sending an email to revistaverde1@gmail.com.