Environmental perception of the use of agroforestry systems in recovering of forest reserves in Cametá, Pará, Brazil
Agriculture, Deforestation, Regularization Environmental, Rural environmental registryAbstract
This paper analyzes the environmental perception of the use of agroforestry systems in the recovery of legal reserve in Cametá-PA, proposing the discussion between the profile of properties, environmental perception of the main terms of the Forest Code, protectionist knowledge of agroforestry systems and environmental regularization. Semi-structured questionnaires were administered with interview assistance to 50 farmers in 10 localities of the municipality, in addition, a survey of the data of the Rural Environmental Cadastre of the interviewees and the total of the municipality was carried out. To know the environmental reality, the analysis of deforestation was carried out between 2006 and 2017. The results point out that the majority of farmers in Cametá have little knowledge about environmental law. Regarding Rural Environmental Cadastre, only 32.72% of the rural properties are registered until October 2018 and 80% of the registered properties need to recover their legal reserves. Despite the incipient knowledge about agroforestry systems, the lack of financial resources, the effectiveness of technical assistance, lack of knowledge about responsibilities and obligations, can generate a great economic and social crisis with the application of embargoes and fines for failure to comply with the provisions of the Regularization Program Environmental.
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