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Caroline Olias
Aline Vanessa SAUER
Cristiano Reschke LAJÚS


To express its potential, Capim-Jiggs depends on specific edaphoclimatic conditions, in addition to its fertility associated with doses of mineral and organomineral fertilization, justifying the evaluation of its adaptive capacity and forage potential in the region, implying in animal production below that recommended. The research aimed to evaluate the technical and economic efficiency of Capim-Jiggs submitted to doses of mineral and organomineral fertilization. The experiment was implemented in the rural area located in the municipality of Chapecó-SC, during the second half of 2020 and the first half of 2021. The experimental design was the Randomized Block Design in a split plot scheme over time (5x4) with 5 repetitions, and in the main plot they were allocated as fertilizers (Witness; 50% of the recommended dose of organomineral fertilizer - 250kg of 10-10-10; 100% of the recommended dose of organomineral fertilizer-500kg of 10-10-10; 150% of the recommended dose of organomineral fertilizer-750kg from 10-10-10 and Mineral fertilizer-240kg from 24-09-10 and the cuts were allocated over time (1st Cut: 01/02/21; 2nd: 04/02/21; 3rd: 25/03/21 and 4th: 10/05/21). Aiming to determine the maximum technical efficiency, the material collected in the useful area (0.5m²) was identified and weighed. The collected data were compared to the Analysis of Variance by the F test (P≤0.05), and differences between the means were compared by the Tukey test (P≤0.05). It is concluded that a recommended dose of 150% organomineral fertilizer is equivalent to a recommended dose of mineral fertilizer, based on the MET and MEE of Capim-Jiggs.


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ZANROSSO, . E. ., BUSNELLO, F. J. ., Olias, C., SAUER, A. V. ., & LAJÚS, C. R. (2022). EFICIÊNCIA TÉCNICA E ECONÔMICA DO CAPIM-JIGGS (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) SUBMETIDO A DIFERENTES DOSES DE ADUBAÇÃO MINERAL E ORGANOMINERAL. Revista Brasileira De Agrotecnologia, 12(2), 15–20. https://doi.org/10.18378/REBAGRO.V12I2.9120


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