In silico study of the anti-obesity potential of Baccharis trimera phenolic compounds


  • Wanderson Fernando Mello de Souza UNIRIO
  • Andrea Regina de Souza Baptista
  • Ricardo Luiz Dantas Machado
  • Cristiane Barbosa Rocha
  • Ricardo Felipe Alves Moreira



Epicatechin, Bacharis trimera, non-volatile compounds, flavonoids


Obesity is a worldwide public health problem. Regular exercises, balanced diet, allopathic and herbal medicines can be employed in the prevention and treatment of this pathological condition.  Regarding the alternative treatment of obesity using medicinal plants, Baccharis trimera deserves attention due to the anti-obesity properties associated with its methanolic extracts.  This in silico study aims to evaluate in which phenolic compounds of this plant the anti-obesity potential is most remarkable.  According to the results obtained by the employment of some bioinformatics tools, the flavonoid known as epicatechin is probably the most important  anti-obesity principle found in Baccharis trimera.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Souza, W. F. M. de, Baptista, A. R. de S., Machado, R. L. D., Rocha, C. B., & Moreira, R. F. A. (2019). In silico study of the anti-obesity potential of Baccharis trimera phenolic compounds. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 9(1), 32–36.


