Risk factors related to stroke in the elderly in primary care





Nursing, Primary health care, Cerebrovascular Disorders


Objective: To identify risk factors for stroke in the elderly in primary health care. Method: A cross-sectional study with elderly people in primary care in a municipality in the South Center of Ceará, between August and November 2018. The population consisted of 417 elderly people, and a sample of 135. Results: There was an association between sex and dyslipidemia, diabetes, alcoholism, stress and physical inactivity, between schooling and family history of stroke, between personal history of stroke and family history and alcohol consumption, between body mass index and arterial hypertension, diabetes and smoking, and finally, between alcoholism and the color and circumstance of the elderly living with or without someone. Conclusion: It was possible to identify the relationship between sociodemographic characteristics and statistically dependent risk factors associated with stroke, with the probability that they occur by chance, while relevant in the care of the elderly in the reality of primary care, to act in prevention strategies.


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How to Cite

Santos, A. G. dos, Araújo, C. O., Félix, N. D. de C., Nascimento, M. N. R., Sidrim, A. C., & Santos, P. S. P. dos. (2023). Risk factors related to stroke in the elderly in primary care. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 13(2), 155–162. https://doi.org/10.18378/rebes.v13i2.9431

