Temporal assessment of risk predictors of penile cancer in the state of Maranhão





Epidemiology, Health promotion , Primary prevention


The study aims to gather information on epidemiological trends regarding the main risk factors for penile cancer in Maranhão between 2013 and 2019. This is an ecological time series study with data collection from the National Cancer Institute, SUS Department of Informatics and TABNET/DATASUS, and SIM. Maranhão was chosen for the high number of cases and mortality from penile cancer. The search was carried out between January and April July 2022, with a time frame from 2013 to 2019. In 2014, a study was developed that determined that low educational index, that is, individuals with education up to elementary school was a risk factor since it was reported that they had never heard about penile cancer before. Another study showed that, in the same year, 40% of deaths from penile cancer occurred in individuals without any education. In addition, according to a study conducted in 2013, poor intimate hygiene is responsible for 35% of cases of penile cancer and this is closely linked to socioeconomic factors. The mortality rate in Maranhão varies between 26.7% and 41%, if diagnosed in stages 1 and 2, has a 5-year survival in 85% of cases. It is noted that penile cancer is a frequent reality in Maranhão and that preventive actions can significantly affect this collective health problem.


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Author Biographies

Vinicius Lino de Souza Neto, Universidade Nove de Julho, Osasco, São Paulo

Doutorando pelo programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Professor e líder do internato do eixo da Atenção Primária a Saúde e Saúde Coletiva do curso de medicina da  Universidade Nove de Julho - Uninove.

Victoria Gabrielly de Oliveira Sampaio, Universidade Nove de Julho, Osasco, São Paulo

Acadêmica do curso de medicina da Universidade Nove de Julho. 

Joane Caroline Menck Vieira, Universidade Nove de Julho, Osasco, São Paulo

Acadêmica do Curso de Medicina da Universidade Nove de Julho. Participante do programa de iniciação cientifica voluntária 2022-2023. 

Vinícius de Almeida Moura, Universidade Nove de Julho, Osasco, São Paulo

Acadêmico do curso de medicina da Universidade Nove de Julho. Participante do programa voluntário de iniciação cientifica 2022-2023.


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How to Cite

Souza Neto, V. L. de, Sampaio, V. G. de O., Vieira, J. C. M., & Moura, V. de A. (2023). Temporal assessment of risk predictors of penile cancer in the state of Maranhão. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 13(4), 907–911. https://doi.org/10.18378/rebes.v13i4.9864

