Azolla production as a protein source to poultry: a case study in family poultry farmers in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Alternative animal feeding, Family poultry farming, Agroecological practiceAbstract
The present article addresses the activities involved in the construction of two tanks for the production of Azolla (Azolla sp.), an aquatic fern that can be used as poultry feed. The activities took place in Capão do Leão and São Lourenço do Sul, in the southern part of Rio Grande do Sul state. Two models of tanks were built, the one in Capão do Leão being outside the paddocks and the one in São Lourenço do Sul being inside one of the paddocks accessed by poultry. We observed a rapid Azolla propagation, with tanks being fully occupied by the plant in about 14 days of cultivation. Shading was fundamental for the good development of Azolla and to keep its characteristic green color. Lack of shade altered Azolla’s color and increased other vegetal species development. There was an excellent acceptance of Azolla by chickens. The supply of Azolla inside the paddocks resulted in overconsumption, promoting a drastic decrease in its population, which took an increased amount of time to be reestablished and had to compete with other species. It was easier to maintain Azolla population when the tank was built outside the paddock, although, in such case, there was a greater necessity of labor. The low cost, rapid propagation and ease of cultivation of Azolla can encourage other poultry breeders to use it as a nutritional source for chicken.
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