Arugula cultivation under saline water irrigation


  • Antonio Moreira Neto Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Rio Largo
  • César Gonçalves dos Santos Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Rio Largo
  • Alex Béu Santos Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Rio Largo
  • José Carlos Santos Silva Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Pombal
  • Lígia Sampaio Reis Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Rio Largo



Eruca Sativa, Saline stress, Vegetables


The use of saline water in the production of vegetables is one of the main challenges for producers, since salt stress causes a decrease in crop production and yield. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the growth of arugula plants under irrigation water salinity levels. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, with treatments being five levels of electrical conductivity of the irrigation water (0.5; 1.5; 2.5; 3.5 and 4.5 dS m-1). The experimental design used was completely randomized. The factors resulted in 5 treatments with five replications and one plant per plot, totaling 25 experimental units. At 43 days after sowing, the arugula plants were evaluated for number of leaves, plant height, leaf area, shoot and root fresh mass, and shoot and root dry mass. It was found that increasing levels of salinity in irrigation water affects the growth of arugula plants. The plants had the highest averages of the evaluated characters reached at a salinity level of 0.5 dS m-1, decreasing linearly when irrigated with salinity of up to 4.5 dS m-1.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Moreira Neto, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Rio Largo

Engenheiro Agrônomo, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Rio Largo, Alagoas.

César Gonçalves dos Santos, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Rio Largo

Engenheiro Agrônomo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Proteção de Plantas, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Rio Largo.

Alex Béu Santos, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Rio Largo

Engenheiro Agrônomo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Proteção de Plantas, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Rio Largo.

José Carlos Santos Silva, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Pombal

Engenheiro Agrônomo, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Pombal, Paraíba.

Lígia Sampaio Reis, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Rio Largo

Engenheira Agrônoma, Doutora em Engenharia Agrícola, Professora, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Rio Largo.


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How to Cite

MOREIRA NETO, A. .; GONÇALVES DOS SANTOS, C.; SANTOS, A. B. .; SILVA, J. C. S. .; REIS, L. S. . Arugula cultivation under saline water irrigation. Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 4, p. 421–426, 2021. DOI: 10.18378/rvads.v16i4.9251. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 apr. 2024.

