Alternative communication in the care of elderly palliative care patients in the intensive care unit




Palliative Care, Communication Barriers, Speech Therapy, Language, The Elderly


Introduction: the Alternative Communication (AC) is a language mediation tool capable of ensuring the optimization of the patient's language with multidisciplinary team and family. The limitation in communication cannot be a barrier between the speaker and the listener and the speech therapist uses this tool as part of the therapeutic process. Objective: To report the use of AC boards during the speech therapy care with elderly patients in Palliative Care (PC) admitted to the ICU. Methodology: Experience report about the use of AC boards with elderly patients in PC in an ICU in Fortaleza-Ceará. We used A4 paper A4 boards and laminated. A sensitization with the multidisciplinary team on the theme was approached. Intervention was made with patients and family members at the time of their visit to the unit. Results and Discussion: There was a good reception by the professionals, reporting improvements in communication and better understanding of what the patients wanted, thus improving quality of life in the ICU. Among the family members, they felt included in the treatment and claimed a feeling of comfort in helping their loved one to organize practical life issues. For the patients, there was great acceptance and feelings of gratitude, for finally being understood by all. Final Considerations: The intervention was positive for all involved, where the greatest beneficiary was the elderly, who had their wishes resolved with greater assertiveness. The use of the boards was extended to patients who were unable to use their voices as the main source of communication, both in the ICU and in the wards.


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How to Cite

Dote, K. C. B., & Carneiro, C. (2023). Alternative communication in the care of elderly palliative care patients in the intensive care unit. Revista Brasileira De Educação E Saúde, 13(4), 824–829.




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