Capital, precariousness of teaching work and pandemic


  • Ivanyr Nayara Mascena Veras Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
  • Mateus Ferreira de Almeida Lima Universidade Federal de Campina Grande


Adoecimento, Capital, COVID-19, Docentes


The capitalist system is inherently precarious, because capital is always restructuring the processes of labor exploitation. This led to outsourcing, informality, flexibility and intensification of labor, which exposed the driving destructiveness of capital over the human labor force, which includes public universities and, consequently, teachers. In this bias, the present research aimed to investigate, through extensive bibliography, the precariousness of the teaching work of public higher education, aiming to highlight the accentuation of mental illness of teachers during the pandemic of Sars-COV-2. Considering the objective, we used the explanatory research in order to establish a better relationship with the theme. In addition, the dialectical materialist method and the qualitative approach as a fundamental scope for analyzing the precariousness of teaching work. Given the method and approach, the research technique adopted was bibliographical, whose platforms used were SciELO, LILACS and PubMed, with the descriptors "work", "precariousness" and "health of the (a) teacher" with the Boolean operator "AND". Regarding the books, reference authors were sought for Social Work, such as Ricardo Antunes, Graça Druck and Selligman-Silva. In fact, the results point to the need for public policies that value the teaching work and ensure adequate working conditions, as well as the importance of investing in strategies for prevention and treatment of mental illness of teachers.


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How to Cite

Mascena Veras, I. N., & Ferreira de Almeida Lima, M. (2023). Capital, precariousness of teaching work and pandemic. Revista Brasileira De Filosofia E História, 12(3), 1404–1413. Retrieved from

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